Allen Interactions Blog

Stick to it! 5 ways to keep your learning resolutions with SAM
It’s the end of January - which also means many New Year’s resolutions are also coming to an end. Of course, we can set goals and resolutions any ...

Be an Inventor: The Importance of Prototyping for e-Learning Design
by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist | @ethanaedwards In December I was scheduled to teach two ATD e-Learning Instructional Design ...

Don't Create e-Learning No One Wants...Lessons From Holiday Sweaters
‘Tis the season of snow and cold…and holiday sweaters—each lovingly created with all good intent, sometimes gaudy, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes ...

Embracing the Serious eLearning Manifesto
Given decades of informative research on instructional paradigms, human learning, and performance measurement, it seems the burgeoning e-learning ...

Four Questions that Shift You into Design Success
by Ann Iverson, instructional designer | @iverson_ann “Question everything!”- Albert Einstein As an instructional designer, I think the most ...

4 Exercises to Help You Find Your e-Learning Writing Voice
by Hannah von Bank, instructional writer I’ve always been a writer. As a kid, I cranked out little paper books by the dozens with such titles as “The ...

You Say Quantitative—I Say Qualitative: Whose Training ROI is This Anyway?
In a previous blog post, Educating and Challenging Stakeholders on Instructional Design Best Practices, I suggested that certain qualities that make ...

6 Ways to Connect with the e-Learning Community on LinkedIn
by Brittany Laeger, Marketing Communications Specialist LinkedIn is a powerful tool for creating connections within your industry. Without leaving ...

Be a SAM Superstar with "The 12 Days of SAM"
This year we are excited to share our holiday spirit with you through the act of giving! So today, we introduce to you the 12 Days of SAM—to the tune ...

[New e-Book] 14 Tips for Preparing an e-Learning Feast
As we all get ready to join our family and friends for the Thanksgiving holidays and prepare for the big meal, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the ...

Four Tips to Create the Perfectly Imperfect e-Learning Prototype
We recently redesigned the ATD Advanced e-Learning Instructional Design Certificate Program, and I had the pleasure of facilitating the first ...

Incredibly Obvious e-Learning Design
by LInda Rening, instructional designer Have you noticed that everyone seems to be an expert in “training?” It seems curious that folks who have deep ...