Allen Interactions Blog

What's So Funny About e-Learning?
by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist I was watching television the other night and noticed a new advertisement for an online university. ...

A Leader’s Role in Building a Productive Team
Often an outside voice adds to the conversation in a way that usual characters can’t. The following blog post is a perfect example of the diversity a ...

e-Learning Design Challenge: Dump Next or Stump Linda
by Linda Rening, PhD, Instructional Designer I have a challenge for you. And, it’s a tough challenge. I believe you are up to it, but I’m not sure ...

And the Winner is: Creating an Oscar-Worthy Learning Program
by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist This week marks the culmination of the Academy Awards season. It is amazing how these awards draw ...

Make a Learning Love Connection: Five FACTS for Better e-Learning Courses
by Ann Iverson, instructional designer | @iverson_ann What is love, really? We can love our cars, homes, and flat-screen TVs, but purists will tell ...

All the World’s a Stage—Becoming a Better e-Learning Designer
by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist One of the most frequent questions I get from training professionals trying to make a start in ...

Celebrate February as Learner Appreciation Month!
by Angel Green, senior instructional strategist | @LearnerAdvocate A few years back, I wrote a Valentine’s themed blog about how we should take the ...

15 Shareable Learning Design and Development Quotes
Here is a list of are some of the best quotes about training, success and learning. What are your favorite sharable learning quotes? Share them in ...

Ethan Edwards Answers Your e-Learning Design Questions
At Allen Interactions, we strive to be a resource for instructional designers looking to make better, more effective e-learning designs. These ...

4 Tips to Maximize Your e-Learning Graphic Designers' Time
by Hannah von Bank, instructional writer Everyone wants their course to be visually appealing, but there is rarely a consensus among the project team ...

The Ultimate ATD TechKnowledge Resources Recap
This week, hundreds of learning professionals gathered at ATD TechKnowledge in Las Vegas to hear from thought leaders, learn from industry ...

Michael Allen Interview–Crystal Balling with Learnnovators
‘Crystal Balling with Learnnovators’ is a thought-provoking interview series that attempts to gaze into the future of e-learning. It comprises ...