The Newest Guild Master: Michael Allen
This week, hundreds of learning professionals gathered at ATD TechKnowledge in Las Vegas to hear from thought leaders, learn from industry ...

The Ultimate ATD TechKnowledge Resources Recap
By Allen Interactions | January 16, 2015 | Custom Learning | 0 Comments
This week, hundreds of learning professionals gathered at ATD TechKnowledge in Las Vegas to hear from thought leaders, learn from industry professionals and connect with peers. With the power of social media on our side, we can now easily access the latest tweets, blogs and resources! So here is an aggregated resource list from ATD TK!
We'll keep adding to this list as we find more resources, so if we missed any, just comment below!
Presentation Slides
Power of Visuals - John Meyer, CEO/Co-Founder, Lemonly
If You Build it, Will They Come? — How to Increase Learning Adoption by B.J. Shone, Senior Manager, Learning Technology, AutoDesk
Build Your e-Learning Portfolio: It's Easier Than You Think! by Mike Taylor, Learning Technology at Mindset Digital
" target="_blank">Writing Better e-Learning Scripts by Cammy Bean, Vice President of Learning Design, Kineo
Practical Usage of Social Media for Formal Learning Resources by Dan Steer, Freelance Learner Consultant
Practical Usage of Social Media for Formal Learning Resources (Part 2) by Dan Steer, Freelance Learner Consultant
Exploring the Learning and Performance Ecosystem - Resources Share at ATDTK by David Kelly, program Director, The eLearning Guild
LMS Success: Selecting Your Ideal Learning Management System by Katrina Baker, Trainer, Resources of Fun Learning
Fearless Instructional Design: Learning from the Impagination of Jim Henson by Michelle Lentz, Training & Instructional Design, Social Media Strategy& Marketing at Oracle
View all Tweets from ATD
L&D must stop worrying about knowledge transfer and instead focus on performance improvement. Much wider lens. #ATDTK
— JD Dillon (@JD_Dillon) January 16, 2015
Give learners achievable challenges, have clear goals, concentration. Learners need to feel control over their actions #atdtk @kkapp
— Coline Son Lee CPLP (@pmtrainer) January 16, 2015
7 of every 10 workers are disengaged or worse: actively disengaged from their work environment #ATDTK #FR101 @kkapp
— Diane L Smith, CPLP (@CreativelyTrain) January 16, 2015
Organizations have bees. That is more true than I ever realized. We need to find our pollinators. #ATDTK
— Tracie Cantu (@tracie_marie) January 16, 2015
Feel free to poll your blog audience, test your posts, and listen to the results & feedback #ATDTK
— Bianca Woods (@eGeeking) January 16, 2015
We're not here to deliver content, we're here to change performance outcomes. Paraphrase of Ethan Edwards, @customelearning #ATDTK
— Nate R. (@orothlain) January 14, 2015
"Anytime you want to make learning better, give your learner more control." -- Ethan Edwards @customelearning #ATDTK #elearning
— Caitlin Congdon (@CaitlinCongdon) January 14, 2015
Everyone at #ATDTK learned way too much to share in 140 characters. #lrnchat
— Melissa Milloway (@MelMilloway) January 16, 2015
Learning MATTERS, when it changes behavior. #ATDTK
— Ashley Meredith (@smsbear19) January 16, 2015
I never try to explain gamification. I just tell people to "ask Karl." @kkapp #ATDTK
— JD Dillon (@JD_Dillon) January 16, 2015
@arossett: "When you measure, you manage better." #ATDTK
— Brandon Carson (@brandonwcarson) January 16, 2015
Tap into the knowledge of your company. Give experts a platform and they will stand on it. #ATDTK
— Dave Geoffrey (@DaveGeoffrey) January 15, 2015
Photos & Videos
Syd and @michellelentz will show you how Jim Henson's imagination is alive and thriving in the world of ID! #ATDTK
— Brandon Carson (@brandonwcarson) January 16, 2015
Blogging session wrapup! And that's a wrap from my livetweeting #ATDTK Day 2. See you bring and early tomorrow!
— Bianca Woods (@eGeeking) January 16, 2015
RT @eGeeking: If you look at only 1 slide from @aarondignan talk, let it be this one #ATDTK
— Dan Steer (@dan_steer) January 16, 2015
@arossett: Mobile delivery is still in its infancy. #ATDTK (from over 670 L&D respondents)
— Brandon Carson (@brandonwcarson) January 15, 2015
Big trend in infographics took off in 2011 #sweetvisuals #atdtk @johntmeyers
— Chris King (@cking6) January 15, 2015
RT @dan_steer: Don't expect all community members to contribute in same way Engagement pyramid by @charleneli #atdTK
— Chris King (@cking6) January 15, 2015
Other Resources & Recaps
10 Reasons to Build and Ecosystem-Focused Learning and Performance Strategy by David Kelly, Program Director, The eLearning Guild
ATD TK 2015 Session Recaps by Dan Steer
ATD TK 2015 Session Recaps by Cammy Bean:
- "Building a Learning Strategy from an Ecosystem of Resources" - David Kelly
- "Matching Learning Paths with Performance Using Tin Can" - Andy Whitaker
- "Measuring Braining Activity" - Tan Le
- "The Case of The Disengaged Learner" - Karl Kapp
- "The Responsive Organizer" - Aaron Dignan
e-Learning Brothers #BroBand Photos
About the Author: Allen Interactions
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