Allen Interactions Blog

What’s Your Training Worth? Demonstrate ROI by Tracking KPIs
By Hannah Hunter, Instructional Writer Let’s say you’ve created a training program to teach restaurant employees about proper handwashing techniques. ...

5 Reasons to Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect e-Learning Course
By Hannah Hunter, Instructional Writer The Perfect e-Learning Course™ is a legendary creature that changes its shape with each new technological and ...

Piloting your e-Learning Course – A Beginner’s Guide
By Hannah Hunter, Instructional Writer Did you know that the pilot episode of Star Trek included only one member of the Enterprise crew: Mr. Spock? ...

5 Scientifically-Proven Ways to Grab Attention in Your e-Learning
By Hannah Hunter, Instructional Writer Does this sound familiar? You’ve spent weeks writing, editing, and re-writing e-learning content only to watch ...

Generational Learning Design: 3 Ways to Overcome the Need to be "Cool"
By Hannah Hunter, Instructional Writer I love designing elearning courses for teens and young adults. I get to be creative and young learners are the ...

The Drawing Board: Using Paper Prototypes to Proof e-Learning Design
by Hannah Hunter, instructional writer There are some things that words just can’t describe. Articulating a highly complex, branching e-learning ...

5 Tricks to Demolish your Creative Blocks
by Hannah Hunter, instructional writer When you work in a creative profession like e-learning, you’re bound to encounter the occasional pesky ...

4 Ways to Maximize Learning Memory by Avoiding Redundancy
by Hannah Hunter, instructional writer Think of the last time you listened to a speaker who read their entire presentation off a Powerpoint word for ...

4 Tips to Maximize Your e-Learning Graphic Designers' Time
by Hannah von Bank, instructional writer Everyone wants their course to be visually appealing, but there is rarely a consensus among the project team ...

4 Exercises to Help You Find Your e-Learning Writing Voice
by Hannah von Bank, instructional writer I’ve always been a writer. As a kid, I cranked out little paper books by the dozens with such titles as “The ...

3 Reasons Why Failure is Life's Most Honest Teacher
As a kid, I was terrified to ride a bike without training wheels. I told my exasperated father all the reasons why I was sure this crazy bike-riding ...

5 Common Missteps In Onboarding Programs
by Hannah von Bank, relationship management assistant First impressions are often the most lasting―what does your onboarding program say about your ...