5 Sessions We're Looking Forward to at DevLearn 2022

The leaves are falling and there's a chill in the air - that can only mean one thing: DevLearn is near! The Allen Interactions team is very excited to hit the road and showcase our favorite lessons and learning technology innovations in-person at this year's conference, held at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. 

DevLearn has a wide variety of workshops, sessions, keynotes, certification programs and so much more - but we've made a list of the top five things (in no specific order) that the Allen team is looking forward to at this fall's convention. 


Tools for Hybrid Work: Transforming Instructional Design Through Design ThinkingJOIN US AT DEmofest 2022

Allen Interactions' own Dr. Christina Barss and Ethan Edwards share their expertise to help you navigate the future of your organization with the right mindset and tools you need to succeed. With the increasing challenge of redefining culture and work environments, many organizations are faced with a profound challenge that requires tactical and strategic leadership and ways of thinking to improve employee recruitment and rewards. Overcoming challenges require leaders to rise from the comfort of "how we've always done it," apply new tools for engagement that enable L&D upskilling initiatives to focus on disparately located learners, demonstrate how each contributor is valued, and increase their engagement and feeling of belonging—all while transforming their skills to optimize business performance.  

Session Information:

Wed, October 26

3:00 PM PT


The Assessment, Selection, and Challenges of Emerging Technology in L&D – A Guild Master Panel

Dr. Michael Allen's peers and co-authors of the eLearning Manifesto, Julie Dirksen and Clark Quinn join fellow Learning Guildmasters for an engaging and thoughtful conversation about the growing role of emerging technology in Learning and Development. 

New technology is appearing inside and outside L&D at an unprecedented rate. Some are taken up with great analysis and others without a clear answer to the basic question of why. Move too slow and you’ll adopt a solution that’s soon obsolete; too quickly and deeper analysis is missed. You’re left with an overpriced and/or overhyped tool that doesn’t meet your needs.

Session Information:

Thursday, October 27

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM PT


Make it Meaningful: Applying the Secrets of Engagement to LXD

Creating contextual and meaningful learning that drives learner engagement speaks to our mission on a personal level - and we can't wait to hear from Dr. Clark Quinn on this integral topic.

Learning Experience Design (LXD) is the elegant integration of learning science and engagement. Too often, however, we see tarted-up content dumps and lots of superficial attempts to remedy the problem: Quiz-show templates, click-to-see-more, scores, and the like. We can, and should, go deeper. There are two problems here—one on the learning science side and one on the engagement side. Further, while good guidance exists on the learning science side, there’s less guidance on the engagement side. While there are robust principles and useful tips and tricks, they’re not well integrated. What’s needed is a systematic approach that aligns elements to create meaningful motivation, resulting in a safe space to remove anxiety and steadily build confidence.

Session Information:

Monday, October 24

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM PT


From the Games Industry: How EA Inspires a Culture of Learning

 In an ever-changing world, learning and development as a practice have to evolve to adapt to the realities of quickly changing digital environments. The team at EA gaming will share the journey from training to the true understanding of their organization, and the five key elements of their learning strategy.

Session Information:

Thursday, October 27

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM PT


Technology Trends That Will Enhance Human Performance

In the closing keynote for DevLearn 2022, Dr. Cori Lathan explores the impact of emerging technologies and what that may mean for the future of learning and development. By attending this closing session, you’ll receive tips on how we can understand and prepare for the changes brought about by these trends and discover how we can shape human-technology interaction towards the most positive impact.

Session Information:

Friday, October 28

11:15 AM - 12:30 PM PT


Don't Forget to Visit us at DemoFest!


Swing by the Allen Interactions' table for an out-of-this-world demo of our award-winning learning with Chief Experience Officer, Brooks Canavesi. DemoFest is open to all registrants, including the free Expo+ pass. Come chat with us about the future of learning, the coolest technology on the rise, and what we're doing to make the future of learning even better. You'll also have the opportunity to enter for a chance to win great prizes. We can't wait to see you! 

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