Stop Scaring Your Learners: 4 Ways to Bring Life to Boring e-Learning ...
You've probably heard of Robby Novak, or as he is better known, Kid President. Robby Novak and his brother-in-law, Brad Montague, created the first ...

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What Instructional Designers Can Learn from Kid President
You've probably heard of Robby Novak, or as he is better known, Kid President. Robby Novak and his brother-in-law, Brad Montague, created the first Kid President video in July of 2012. They have an amazing story which you can check out here, but after watching several of these videos, I was struck by the power and simplicity these videos have—no fancy film crew, no elaborate production. However, each video I watch makes me laugh, cry, and feel inspired to go do something worthwhile.
So, today here are 5 great lessons from Kid President to inspire you to do something awesome.
Don't Be Boring
In the most-watched video from Kid President "Pep Talk", he says, "Boring is easy, everyone can be boring, but your gooder than that." It's easy to get stuck in the mentality that boring learning is the standard. It can seem like a daunting task—creating something engaging and inspiring—but we have lots of great tools to help you take the first step. So learn something new, try something different, don't be boring! "Create something that will make the world awesome."
Be Humorous
Humor is disarming. We all love to laugh, yet sometimes we forget that laughter and learning can go together. But the truth is, when we encounter something that makes us laugh, it's memorable. Think about all of the times when you have seen a funny video or heard a good joke and you replay that in your head throughout your day. Ann Iverson wrote a great blog about incorporating humor into your e-learning projects that you can check out here!
Be like cheese or bacon and make everything you touch better.
— Kid President (@iamkidpresident) October 14, 2014
Be Motivating
The Kid President videos are FULL of motivational ideas, but they are not about having money or power. They are simply about every person getting up and actually doing something, making an effort, starting a movement.
Here at Allen Interactions, we are pretty big on providing motivation to learners—motivation is what drives people forward and what challenges them to be better. The core of motivation is helping people see the next stepping stone. For learners, motivation is about helping them see how and why they should take the next step. Will they make less mistakes? Will they provide better service? Will they advance in their job? Find out what motivates your learners and use your e-learning courses to help them see how they can make a step toward making their goals a reality!
Be Viral
When people like things—find them funny or interesting—they share them. Think about how many times a friend or co-worker has emailed you the latest lip sync battle or favorite contestant on a singing show or even a great webinar. Now think about the last time someone sent you an email saying something like, "I just took this terribly uninteresting training course, I think you should take it too."
By creating engaging, humorous, and motivational learning courses, we are creating the kinds of training that employees want to talk about with co-workers, share, and experience a second time—hey, these are all good things for instructional designers!
Tell Your Learners They Are Awesome
We all need to hear that we are awesome from time to time. Take the time to tell your learners that they are awesome. Use feedback to let them know when they have made an awesome choice that reflects your company's core values. Tell your sales team they are awesome when you see a major increase in sales after a new training program is released. Employees that feel appreciated and empowered will continue to be motivated, to work hard, and strive to be better.
Kid President and I have a question for you:
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Click to Tweet: Learn 5 ways to be more like @iamkidpresident and make your #elearning more awesome! #noboringelearning
Click to Tweet: "The world needs you to stop being boring" (or creating boring e-learning) here are 5 ways to make awesome #training!
Click to Tweet: What are you teaching the world today? - @iamkidpresident "5 Ways to Make Training More Awesome" #elearning

About the Author: Brittany Laeger
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