Five St. Patrick's Inspired Instructional Design Traditions

By CARRIE ZENS, Director of Marketing

Carrie2014Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! In celebration of this religious and cultural holiday here's a blog Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist, wrote last year about five instructional design traditions inspired by its celebratory customs and green-filled festivities.



Click here to read THE blog!


Carrie Zens

About the Author: Carrie Zens

For more than a decade, Carrie Zens has led the marketing communication efforts for Allen Interactions. She builds awareness and business growth for AI through digital marketing initiatives, event marketing, and partnership development. She passionately shares Allen Interactions’ story on how they can and have helped hundreds of companies adapt their business and people through custom learning and technology solutions that improve performance. Zens has also enjoyed marketing and growing several other businesses in the healthcare and financial/banking arenas in the Midwest. She holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Marketing and Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.


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