6 Quick Ways to Engage with the e-Learning Community Using Twitter


by , Marketing Communications Specialist

The use of social media has made it easier than ever for us to connect with industry experts, thought leaders, and companies we admire! But sometimes it can be hard to cross the threshold of inserting yourself into the social media scene. So, if you aren’t yet harnessing the power of Twitter, here are a few tips from Allen Interactions to help you get started!

1. Beef Up Your Bio

Your bio is the elevator pitch of your Twitter profile! Tell readers in as few characters as possible what it is that you do and what makes you interesting. If you want to connect with other learning professionals, try adding a hashtag like #instructionaldesigner.

2. Use Hashtags

Hashtags allow users to categorize and find similar tweets. I So if you are looking for great tips on e-learning, you would search for #elearningtips or #elearningblogs. Hashtags are also used to start a trend, or to broadcast new ideas. Create your own hashtag, continuously use it and promote it, and see what happens!

3. Follow Twitter Lists

Twitter lists narrow down what you’re looking for and help cut down on the noise. For instance, there are tons of Twitter super users who have spent hours curating lists of great e-learning tweeters you should follow. Here are a few of our favorites:

Do you follow another great learning list? Post the link in the comments below!

4. Participate in Learning Chats

Make sure to join the conversations that are already happening on Twitter! There are several twitter accounts already dedicated to connecting learning professionals through asking questions and sharing knowledge. Check out these great chats:

  • LrnChat | Every Thursday 8:30 ET
  • Chat2Learn | See profile for upcoming dates
  • eLearnChat | Regularly scheduled interviews with learning professionals

5. Tweet (or Follow Tweets) From Events & Webinars

Most learning events, webinars and tradeshows today have hashtags that allow you to follow along with tweets from that specific event. This is a great way to get notes from presentations that you missed, connect with like-minded professionals and even connect with the presenters!

6. Ask Questions

If you have a question, Twitter is a great place to get answers! Ask a specific person or company for their feedback (just include @ + their twitter username). Want to ask us a question? Just tweet to @customelearning!

Pro Tip: Tweets starting with @username are seen only by you and the person mentioned. If you want everyone following you to see the tweet, make sure to start with another word or period.

Want to share this post? Here are some ready made tweets:

Click to Tweet: New to twitter? Check out these 6 tips for engaging with the #elearning community on Twitter! http://hubs.ly/y056lM0 #elearningtips

Click to Tweet: Hashtags, chats & lists, oh my! "6 Quick Ways to Engage with the #eLearning Community Using Twitter" http://hubs.ly/y056lM0

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Brittany Laeger

About the Author: Brittany Laeger


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