See SAM In Action & 6 Steps To Improved e-Learning Activities


See SAM In Action
Friday, April 11, 2-3 pm Eastern
Sponsored by ASTD
Cost: Free


This webcast will demonstrate the techniques vital to creating successful e-learning programs and will provide participants with the skills to use advanced design techniques to create e-learning programs that drive productivity. You will learn effective ways to design learning events that go far beyond the transmission of information to achieve behavior change and targeted performance levels.

Presented by: 

Angel Green - senior instructional strategist

Angel Green
senior instructional strategist | @LearnerAdvocate
Co-author of the Leaving ADDIE for SAM Field Guide 



Richard Sites, vice president - training and marketing

Richard Sitesvice president - training and marketing | @rhillsites
Co-author of Leaving ADDIE for SAM and the Leaving ADDIE for SAM Field Guide 



Actions Speak Louder Than Words: 6 Steps to Improved e-Learning Activities
Thursday, April 24, 1-2 pm Eastern
Sponsored by Training Magazine
Cost: Free 


There’s much frustration with the limited range of interactivity found in e-learning programs. Arbitrary multiple-choice and true-and-false questions, even when masquerading under flashy game-like interfaces, fail to engage learners’ attention. Worse yet, they usually fail to teach. Too often designers feel bound by the limits of actions available to the learner—senseless button clicking, random dragging, confusing entries. But, even working within the constraints of low-level authoring tools, it is possible to design eLearning activities that will engage, motivate, and captivate the learner’s imagination and enhance post-training performance.

Edwards will present six simple and easily achievable transformations to make your elearning interactions more impactful. 

Presented by:

 Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist

Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist | @ethanaedwards





Allen Interactions

About the Author: Allen Interactions


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