Today's eLearning: Michael Allen & Experts Say "Enough is Enough"

Serious e-Learning Manifesto

Working diligently, a band of well-known learning industry authors have said “enough is enough” with the state of today's elearning. While there are a few shining examples of instructional design, a large percentage of elearning created today is woefully inadequate. Instead of deep and meaningful learning, most elearning encourages learners to stay away in droves, unless of course the training is mandatory. Many elearning developers and designers say they want to do better, but struggle to put that desire into practice. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Serious eLearning ManifestoMichael Allen, along with learning experts Julie Dirksen, Clark Quinn, and Will Thalheimer, has decided it’s time to be disruptive! “For many years, the four of us have been deeply concerned about the state of elearning,” states Will Thalheimer. “We’ve talked about it, lamented it, grumbled to each other, and wondered how things might change. Finally, we have decided to do something about it. The Serious eLearning Manifesto is the result.”

They collectively established in The Serious eLearning Manifesto what they believe is required to use instructional technology as professionals and to earn the right to absorb the learner’s time. The Manifesto is based upon what research and theory says, as well as what experience has taught them.

“We really want to be part of a movement that improves the learning opportunities everyone has. Things have to change,” stated Michael Allen, CEO of Allen Interactions. “Too much elearning is on the wrong track.”

Serious eLearning Manifesto Revealed on Thursday, March 13th!

An initial presentation of The Manifesto with all four authors will take place Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 2:00 PM (US-CT) using Google Hangouts, followed by a live Q&A session. Please join the movement by attending the presentation online, lending your support by becoming a signatory to The Manifesto at, and by pledging to do your best to apply the manifesto’s principles in your work.

Join Michael Allen, Julie Dirksen, Clark Quinn and Will Thalheimer for the initial presentation of the Serious e-Learning Manifesto

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