Mental Health is You: 5 Books to Build Resilience and Mindfulness


All considered, 2020 and 2021 has been an exercise in harsh reality. Many are suffering from mental health challenges because of the relentless sources of stress, anxiety, and anguish: COVID-19, civil unrest, and systemic racism. The suffering is compounded by the stigma of mental illness leaving many of us ashamed of how we feel. How do we create a positive and psychologically safe environment for ourselves and others?

This "Mental Health is You" blog series is here to help explore the use of mindfulness, empathy, and compassion in Meaningful, Memorable, and Motivational ways.

Below are 5 thought-provoking books focused on building resilience and mindfulness. For each book, we have provided the link to expedite your journey to joy! 

*Allen Interactions does not receive any compensation for purchases of the books mentioned in this blog post.

Explore and feel free to add your suggestions in the comments. Happy reading!



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1. Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive - Marc Brackett

Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University’s Child Study Center and founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. A combination of research, passion, and inspiration, this book presents RULER, his proven system to reduce stress, improve academic achievement, and enhance school climate.

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2. Stay Woke Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us - Justin Michael Williams 

We recommend the 2019 paperback version which is illustrated brilliantly. This is not your typical guide to mindfulness. Justin Michael Williams step-by-step process with free audio files, “gives people of all genders, identities, colors, religions, ages, and economic backgrounds the tools to stop wasting time, overcome self-doubt, and wake up to the lives we were really born to live.” (Amazon, 2021)

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3. Don't Hate, Meditate! 5 Easy Practices to Get You Through the Hard Sh*t (and into the Good) - Megan Monohan

Meditation instructor, Megan Monahan, a Deepak Chopra protégé, provides a fresh voice and perspective delivered via PAINT, the five spiritual mindsets. PAINT is an acronym for Presence, Acceptance, Intention, Nonjudgement, and Trust.

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4. Keep Calm and Log On: Your Handbook for Surviving the Digital Revolution - Gillian Andrews

The practice of being present is often challenged by the amount of screen time required in our daily lives. It is hard to go 100% tech-free! Keep Calm and Log On is designed to help you regain control of tech in your life. It will help you achieve online mindfulness and overcome ‘online helplessness.’

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5. Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World - Sharon Salzberg

In her book, Real Change, author and leading expert in lovingkindness meditation, Sharon Salzberg, teaches techniques to breakthrough negative cycles, reconnect, and increase energy. The biggest takeaway is that ‘meditation is not a replacement for action’, it is a way to practice self-compassion through grace and generosity of spirit.

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Dr. Christina Barss

About the Author: Dr. Christina Barss

Dr. Christina Barss is an experienced industry subject matter expert in improvement sciences and organizational culture change. Her unique blend of practical, academic, and art perspectives creates custom operational and employee engagement solutions that transform the bottom line. For example, her PhD in sustainable systems design focused on disparately located interprofessional teams in transition during lean transformation at a large, midwestern, urban, academic medical center. Dr. Barss' 12 years in healthcare were filled leading strategic enterprise-level initiatives to improve patient safety, quality, service, and innovation as well as teaching and coaching executives. From C-suite to frontline, she connects seamlessly and guides others in building trust bridges. Her continuous improvement science foundation began in the manufacturing industry. She presents nationally and internationally on design thinking, change management, organizational culture, corporate learning, executive education, and succession planning.


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