Microlearning: The Resources You Need to Plan and Execute Future Learning Projects

With the realization of a new-age learning style, microlearning has been a huge trend in the realm of learning development and e-learning. If you Google ‘microlearning resources’ you will see over 88,000 results populate. The sheer volume of information makes it challenging to decipher and find credible information and sources.

We are here to help! Here is a list of valuable resources that offer credible information relating to the topic of microlearning.


Microlearning Blog Articles

If you’re new to microlearning, these blog posts provide a good introduction to the topic:

Leading Industry Publications: Deepen Your Understanding

Ready to delve deep into microlearning concepts, designs, and trends? These major websites have gathered collections of articles and examples to help you plan and execute your microlearning project.

eLearning Industry

eLearning Industry has a blog on 17 Awesome Resources on Microlearning. This article offers very valuable and credible insights and recourses including links to videos, articles and posts, e-books, and tools and platforms—all relating to microlearning!

If you visit the entire microlearning collection on eLearning Industry’s website, you will find pages of credible resources about microlearning and its contribution in the e-learning process.

Association for Talent Development (ATD)

If you search ‘microlearning’ on the ATD website, you will find a plethora of articles that are about or relate to microlearning. These articles vary in scope and concept, but all cover microlearning through a different lens or perspective.

Learning Solutions Magazine

Learning Solutions Magazine, a highly reputable publication, has a collection of over 65 articles that relate to the topic of microlearning.

eLearning Learning, Training Magazine Network

eLearning Learning, sponsored by Training Magazine Network, has a page full of microlearning articles, blog posts, and other various resources.

There is also a great collection of case studies that describe how participants at Training Magazine events applied microlearning ideas to produce measurable business results.

E-Learning Leadership Blog

The Allen Interactions e-Learning Leadership blog has a collection of microlearning blogs written by one of our instructional designers, Ellen Burns-Johnson.

Infographics: Make Your Case

If you think a microlearning approach would be a good fit for your organization, infographics can help you advocate for it in your conversations with organizational stakeholders.


Do you know of other great microlearning resources our readers would love? We want to hear from you! Post the microlearning resources you have gleaned value from in the comments below or tweet us @customelearning



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Allen Interactions

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