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Helping You Combat the 10 Ways to Ruin e-Learning

Ethan Edwards held a webinar this week on 10 Ways to Ruin Your e-Learning—a How-to-Guide in Reverse—highlighting and providing advice and tips to avoid these e-learning design pitfalls:
10. Explain every function and nuance of the interface before letting the learner begin.
9. Use the standard “C-Shell” template for screen layout of your lessons.
8. Show a person talking to introduce all textual statements.
7. Score and record every action the user takes.
6. Limit your interactions severely to fit the LMS data standards set by the IT Department.
5. Open the lesson with formal learning objectives.
4. Write e-learning content to be an exhaustive treatment of the field.
3. Dictate learner’s progress and sequence through the lesson.
2. Record verbatim the words that are on the screen.
1. Create e-learning in PowerPoint and import into an authoring tool.
SubmitYoure LearningBecause of the feedback we’ve received from this webinar, we’re offering our blog community several complimentary design reviews with the hopes of providing you with suggestions and ideas to improve your e-learning designs and combat these 10 Ways to Ruin Your e-Learning.

To share your e-learning project, samples, or the actual course to be evaluated, please email it to If confidentiality is a concern, you can send screenshots masking/cropping out the confidential information.
Please provide us with a description of your learning objectives for the specific e-learning project as well as the description of the interactive design. We will share our design advice with you personally prior to sharing with this blog community.
We look forward to seeing what you are working on and helping out any way we can!

10 Ways to Ruin Your e-Learning Kit - Allen Interactions - Custom e-Learning

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Allen Interactions
Allen Interactions

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