Webinar: Why Manhattan Associates ♥ SAM

Love SAM

Recorded Thursday, February 14, 2013
1:00 - 2:00 PM Central Time

It didn't take long for Manhattan Associates to fall for SAM. Once the Savvy Start began, it was clear this was a match made in heaven. Abandoning previously held notions of traditional ID process allowed Manhattan Associates to avoid some traditional project heartaches and win the hearts of SMEs, leaders, and learners along the way.

In this webinar, hear how Manhattan Associates and Allen Interactions successfully implemented SAM (the Successive Approximation Model) to create two engaging e-learning courses.

Specifically, we will discuss and demonstrate:

  • what SAM is and how it differs from ADDIE
  • the role and commitment of project team members
  • early prototypes
  • project milestone deliverables
  • final deliverables
Allen Interactions

About the Author: Allen Interactions


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