Webinar with Michael Allen: Successful e-Learning Interface

Succesful e-learning interfaceMichael Allen will be discussing his new book: Successful e-Learning Interface: Making Learning Technology Polite, Effective, And Fun, this coming Tuesday, August 9, at 10:30 am Pacific. This webinar is part of The eLearning Guild’s monthly Thought Leaders Webinar Series. The webinar (and post-event recording) is complimentary to all paid eLearning Guild members.


Successful e-Learning Interface: It’s Not Just User Interface Anymore
Tuesday, August 9, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Pacific

Let the CEO (Connect, Empower, and Orchestrate) take charge. Successful learning experiences, whether these experiences use e-Learning technology for delivery or not, connect with learners. Empower learners to explore, experiment, react, and orchestrate the learning environment to provide critical feedback, help, and guidance. Find out how you can incorporate the CEO principles of interface design and about the critical difference between user interface design and learner interface design (LID). Participants in this session will examine LID using the structural foundation of interactive learning experiences: context, challenge, activity, and feedback.

Allen Interactions

About the Author: Allen Interactions


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