[Upcoming Webinar] 7 Steps to Improved e-Learning Challenges

Thursday, March 28, 1:00 - 2:00 PM Central 

Instructional Design Webinar, Custom eLearning, Custom Learning Development

Designers of e-learning are often stuck using the same simplistic interaction formats repeatedly. It isn't that these formats are particularly effective or desirable—in fact, most designers are frustrated with the poor quality of the questioning they create. But timelines and the resources allotted for e-learning projects often discourage any design innovation except to repeat exactly what has been done before.

In this webinar, Ethan Edwards will introduce 7 steps which provide a practical, graduated series of improvements you can immediately apply to your own designs using low- to intermediate-level tools. You will follow these practical and achievable 7 steps to insert incremental improvements to standard question types
and focus on techniques you can apply to any project.

In this session, you will learn:

  • the primary weaknesses in standard interactions that you should avoid
  • how to manipulate context, challenge, and actions when designing an interaction to enhance motivation and meaning
  • 7 simple steps to apply to standard interactions to create a greater chance for learning to occur
  • to judge interactions based upon how they serve the learning function rather than simply testing knowledge
  • a general strategy for designing interactions that balance development time with instructional effect


Join Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist, on Thursday, March 28 at 1:00 PM Central for this 60-minute webinar.

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Allen Interactions

About the Author: Allen Interactions


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