Iterative e-Learning Development: SAM Uncovered

By , senior instructional strategist | @LearnerAdvocate
Angel Green senior instructional strategist


Perhaps you’ve heard the hype around SAM. Maybe you’ve even read Leaving ADDIE for SAM by Michael Allen and Richard Sites. But, you wonderis it really that different than ADDIE?

Do you have questions about SAM?

Successive Approximation Model (SAM)

  • Are you curious about the SAVVY Start (and what SAVVY even means)? 
  • Do you wonder how it is possible that an instructional process can improve the quality of your learning events?  
  • Is it unclear to you what prototypes look like? 
  • Do you have questions on how SMEs are used in SAM?  
  • Is there confusion in your mind between an iteration and a revision? 
  • Can your required signoffs and approvals be handled in SAM?
  • Do you deliver instructor-led training and want to move to SAM but question if SAM is a fit for ILT?

If any of these questions sound familiar, or you have questions of your own, join Richard Sites and me for our upcoming ASTD Webinar on Friday, April 11th, See SAM in Action.

In this free one-hour webinar, Richard and I will walk you through the SAM process from beginning to end and will:

  • Describe the Savvy Start
  • Show prototypes
  • Explain the role of the SME
  • Uncover how content is developed in SAM
  • Discuss the benefits of iterating toward a final product
We’ll jam pack this hour with our most frequently asked SAM questions and allow attendees the opportunity to ask us questions.

The webinar will be recorded, so even if you can’t attend this Friday, April 11th, be sure to register to receive access to the recording!

Register Here ▶

Subscribe to the e-Learning Leadership BlogSee SAM in Action: Upcoming ASTD Webinar

Angel Green

About the Author: Angel Green

Angel Green is a senior instructional strategist for Allen Interactions’ Tampa studio, where she is responsible for providing consultation and instructional design expertise to clients, partnering to build engaging, interactive learning experiences. With nearly 15 years of experience, Angel has worked for organizations such as IBM, MetLife, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and holds both MS and BS degrees from Florida State University. An accomplished speaker, Angel has held positions as an adjunct instructor of public speaking and is past president of a Toastmasters International chapter. She also frequently blogs on Allen Interactions’ e-Learning Leadership Blog. Angel is the co-author of the Leaving ADDIE For SAM Field Guide. Find Angel on Google+.


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