Learning Solutions Today, e-Learning Q&A Webinar Tomorrow!

Angel & Richard at Learning Solutions Conference 2014We’ve been roaming around Learning Solutions and I finally got Richard to sit down long enough to snap a quick pic. Now we are working on the answers to your questions. There are some tough ones submitted already. If you have a question you want answered or are just curious to hear what others are asking, join us tomorrow on our webinar.

Get Your e-Learning Design Questions Answered

Date: Thursday, March 20th
Time: 1:00 – 1:45 pm Central
Can't attend? Register anyway. We'll send you the recording after the event.

Do you have some burning questions about a stumbling block you hit on recent e-learning design project? Are you curious or possibly confused about some of the latest learning trends such as game mechanics and how to harness them for your initiatives? Have you heard about, or are beginning to use SAM as your development process and need some guidance? Look no further!

In this 45-minute complimentary webinar, Angel Green, senior instructional strategist, Allen Interactions and Richard Sites, vice president - training and marketing, Allen Interactions, will answer previously submitted questions as well as live questions to help provide attendees real answers to the real challenges we all face in designing and delivering effective learning solutions.

Angel Green - senior instructional strategist


Angel Green
senior instructional strategist
Follow Angel on Twitter ▶ 


Richard Sites, vice president - training and marketing


Richard Sites
vice president - training and marketing & co-author of Leaving ADDIE for SAM
Follow Richard on Twitter ▶ 


Ask Angel & RichardSubscribe to the e-Learning Leadership Blog

Angel Green

About the Author: Angel Green

Angel Green is a senior instructional strategist for Allen Interactions’ Tampa studio, where she is responsible for providing consultation and instructional design expertise to clients, partnering to build engaging, interactive learning experiences. With nearly 15 years of experience, Angel has worked for organizations such as IBM, MetLife, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and holds both MS and BS degrees from Florida State University. An accomplished speaker, Angel has held positions as an adjunct instructor of public speaking and is past president of a Toastmasters International chapter. She also frequently blogs on Allen Interactions’ e-Learning Leadership Blog. Angel is the co-author of the Leaving ADDIE For SAM Field Guide. Find Angel on Google+.


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